What is sustainability?

Doing more with less- sustainability is the key to reducing your carbon footprint and taking a step to save the environment.

Check out this article for more:



Use cold water.

Your washing machine uses about 90% of its energy towards heating water (not to mention hot water can shrink your clothes). Save energy by switching on “cold wash”! You can also switch off the “heat dry” function on your dishwasher and use an air dry feature if available.


Invest in reusable coffee cups, grocery bags, and even straws to reduce your waste and material consumption.

Invest in Eco-friendly household products.

Companies such as Tide, Garnier, and H&M are releasing new products that take huge steps towards sustainability. Don’t let their efforts go to waste! View the list here: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home-products/g31291481/eco-friendly-products/

Fix things!

The less waste, the better. When an appliance breaks, ditch the excuse of “buying a new one”. Hop on YouTube or Google, gather your materials, find an empty slot in your schedule, and get to work!

Reduce your paper consumption.

Unsubscribe from junk mail. Avoid cash as much as you can. Have your bills and bank statements sent to you online. Use cloth towels instead of paper ones. People use paper on a daily basis, and in the modern world, there is an alternative to almost every one of its uses.

As you can see, there are endless ways to minimalize your energy consumption and waste. Take the step today through small changes to make a big difference!

Posts created 27

One thought on “What is sustainability?

  1. You have a very nice little website setup here. The subject matter is very appropriate to the times we are in right now.

    I also like the links to different sites offering a look at some of the products out there that are environmentally friendly. Keep this up and one day soon I hope you have a large and loyal following.

    To your future success!

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