Religion, Environmentalism, and Clothing Swaps!

How can religion and interfaith work be used as fuel for other forms of activism, such as environmentalism? Find out on this episode of GreenMe (while learning how to host a clothing swap)! This episode features Tehilah Eisenstadt, director of Yachad and Family Engagement at the Congregation Beth Elohim in NYC. Play in new […]

Regulating Fashion

Lawmakers are picking up on how much atrocity the fashion industry gets away with. The state of New York is working to pass a bill in the Senate, The Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act, that aims to regulate the fast fashion industry. How can this be done? This short episode of GreenMe dives into […]

Rainforests: Destruction and Restoration

The Amazon Rainforest spans across eight countries, holds half of the world’s terrestrial animal species, and stores 123 billions tonnes of carbon. Rainforests around the world are being destroyed, while others are being restored. What makes a forest fit for destruction or restoration? Play in new window | Download

How the World is Losing Water

Glaciers- from the Rocky Mountains to the Himalayas, ice caps provide fresh water for millions of humans across the globe. However, they are melting faster than ever before. This episode of GreenMe focuses in on cities in Pakistan to explain how melting ice caps are affecting people and their water supplies. Play in new […]

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